Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Enlighten us!

We walked to the library today and got excited about the nature along the way. We're ready to do some research and find out what all of these things are but we'd love to hear from any of you that already know what these things are!

1. Elephant ferns? I remember my mom loves these. Maybe we had them in Panama?

2. The girls say these are thistles from Tinkerbell.

A random stick that Heidi thought was big and worthy of a picture.

The tree where the thistles came from.

3. A huge leaf we found outside of the library. What kind of tree did it come from?

4. Heidi thought this was a tomato at first. Definitely not. It grows on a tree. What is it?

5. Cool looking fauna of some sort.

6. I'm feeling like this might be a silly one to ask about...palm tree? I thought palms always had thicker bases than what I saw on this one.

7. This one wins for "most intriguing" find of the day. WHAT IS IT?


  1. it's a snozzcumber! :)
    do you read stories to them at night?
    i wish i was still there to do that.

  2. I've outsourced this assignment to my BIL who does landscaping in SoCal. I also hope you don't mind me pointing out that fauna refers to animal life. Flora=plant life. :)

  3. The "tomato" is a persimmon. Since it's green, it means it unripe. They turn bright orange when you can eat them and they are t.a.s.t.y. You just peel and eat, or you can find recipes online.

  4. 3. From a Maple tree?
    4. Pomegranate?

  5. think the tomato is a persimmon...maybe???
